I’m a sucker for a Dollar store challenge. I can’t help it. It’s just so fun to wander around the Dollar Tree and figure out what to make with things they have there! And, since their quality has been improving over the years, it’s become a go-to spot for craft supplies. So, of course, I had to participate in a Christmas edition of the Dollar Store Challenge. It was also a great stash buster, as I bought the supplies last year and never made anything out of them! For just a few dollars I was able to make several mini wreath and bell ornaments.
Mini Wreath and Bell
You can check out our tree and see how we upgraded it to a new LED pre-lit, 9-foot tall, slim tree. We’ve also been moving more towards a rustic farmhouse Christmas feel, something my whole family loves.
My favorite ornaments on the tree are the knit look ones I upcycled from old Christmas balls last year. I thought I had a dozen of them, but apparently, there were only 8. JuneBug felt we needed a few more ornaments in multiples, for a cohesive look.
And, since it’s always a great idea to try to clean out and organize the craft room in December (what was I thinking!), I looked over my supplies before going to the Dollar Tree.
Since all of this came from a dollar store last year, I decided I’d use it before buying something else.
Starting with the wired green and the white ornaments (also on wires), I twisted them together at one end.
Next, I added a bell (I went with all silver) using the twine.
Then, I simply twisted the green steam into a little wreath shape and used the berries (more wired stuff) to hold the ends together.
Then I made a few more and used more twine to hang the ornaments on the tree.
O-Man loves bells (he gets that love from my Mother-in-Law!), so he thought these were a great addition.
More Dollar Store Christmas Projects
I pop into the dollar store a little too often it seems! But, I did find some great supplies to make fun Christmas decorations.
Like my “HoHoHo” Christmas Countdown:
Or our “We Believe” envelope to Santa:
Now, let’s see what the rest of my co-hosts made for the Dollar Store Challenge!
Dollar Store Challenge: Christmas
Meet your hosts:
My Husband Has Too Many Hobbies • Across the Blvd • The Boondocks Blog
Stone Cottage Adventures • Sew Crafty Crochet • Purple Hues and Me
Cookies, Coffee, and Crafts • Domestic Deadline • Two Chicks and a Mom
Mom Home Guide • Try It Like It

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