Easy Crocheted Roses

Each month I’m having so much fun participating in the Movie Monday Challenge. This month’s theme is romance movies. The first movie that came to mine was Bed of Roses. A cheesy 1999 Christian Slater movie that is one of my favorites. Obviously, roses come to mind just by the title. One of the soundtrack songs, Ice Cream, by Sarah McLachlan, always pops into my head when I think of this movie. And, with Valentine’s Day fast approaching, I found myself making easy crocheted roses while watching the movie.

Bed of Roses

It’s funny, I remember watching this movie repeatedly on VHS. Then, when our VCR died, we got rid of all the tapes and started only buying DVDs. This was one of the movies I had to have on DVD. But, I guess I had tired of watching it because when I went to grab the DVD, it was still covered in cellophane!

So I decided to make JuneBug watch it with me. Since I’ve been trying to get my craft room in order, it was a nice break. I sat down, still not sure what I was going to make for the challenge, and worked on crocheting another baby blanket.

At some point during the movie, I switched over to crocheting roses. Which are super easy and a great way to use up scrap yarn.

I’m on a self-imposed craft diet… no new craft supplies, I have to work with what I already have on hand.

Easy Crocheted Roses

Easy Crocheted Roses

Using any yarn and a hook appropriate for the weight of the yarn, chain at least 25. The longer the chain the larger the rose. Most of the ones I made start with a chain of at least 50.

In the second stitch from the end, crochet this cluster: half double crochet, 3 double crochets, half double crochet.

Then skip a stitch, slip stitch in the next stitch, skip the next stitch and repeat the cluster.

Each cluster is a petal.

Repeat the cluster pattern with a skip, slip stitch, skip, in between each cluster to the end of the chain. Tie off and leave a long tail.

Using an embroidery needle, coil the petals together and stitch to hold.

Easy Crocheted Roses

Valentine’s Day Wreath

Since I struggle to get rid of any scraps of yarn, I have lots of little balls to be used up. I made a few roses but didn’t really know what I was going to do with them.

Easy Crocheted Roses

But it didn’t take long to realize if I make a bunch more, I can cover a dollar store wreath and make a fun Valentine’s Day wreath for our front door.

Easy Crocheted Roses

I have some more pinks, reds, and purples scraps to make into roses to fill up the wreath.

Easy Crocheted Roses

What’s your favorite romantic movie?

Movie Monday Challenge

On the last (or fourth) Monday of each month, a group of bloggers participate in a #MovieMondayChallenge, hosted by C’mon Get Crafty! We decide on a topic, genre, or specific movie to use for inspiration and everyone gets free reign to create something wonderful!


This month’s challenge was. . . . “Romance! Everyone was allowed to choose their own favorite romantic film for this challenge.

Now let’s see what everyone else was inspired to create for this month’s #MovieMondayChallenge!! If you’d like to join our Facebook group, you can request an invite here.


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Easy Crocheted Roses

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  1. Those are so cute and will make a beautiful and unique wreath. I've never heard of this movie? Will have to check it out on Youtube and see what it's about.
  2. I remember loving this movie in high school, but I don't think I've seen it since! I should go pick it up. Your roses are adorable, and I can't wait to see the rest of the wreath!
  3. Awww your crocheted roses look wonderful and I love the wreath too. You've given me the best idea for Valentines day for my grandma.... now i just need to learn how to crochet! Thank you for joining us for the #dreamteam x
  4. so very pretty, great job using your talent one that my grandmother tried to teach me but struggled it as well come see us at http://shopannies.blogspot.com

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